Friday, 15 June 2012

Little tender these days

Well ladies, it's been a week since my surgery. I am very very happy with my little boobies. I am surprised though at how little dressings and pain killers I am needing.

I went in for the surgery early in the morning, don't you hate the waiting period before you go into the theatre looking at food magazines while fasting, lovely. After surgery I woke up with the worst head ache and you know I was really disappointed I thought that they would be gone. So for the next few days I was nauseous and vomiting for the next few days.

Finely on the day to go home it started to pass thank god, and just before my darlings came to pick me up my drains were removed which if you don't know go either side on the edge of each boob, very gross and a little uncomfortable to remove.

Over the last week I have been quite surprised at the lack of pain I've felt. After about three days from hospital my strong pain killers ran out and I began pharmacy grade pain killers. My only problem is that I have to sleep on my back so needless to say my sleep hasn't been the best, sad face.

Had my dressings changed yesterday, I'm thinking about light treatment and medical silicon patches in a few weeks time when they heal, well food for thought.

Yours till next time


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Nerves, Nerves and More Nerves

Oh my, 3 more days to go until my breast reduction surgery. Yay and Screams of fear. Today I went to the bra fitting place and picked up two surgical bras for after my operation and my recovery, and discovered they have these wicked gel pads that you can put on the scars once they have healed that is supposed to reduce the bumpy and visual appearance of the scars. Might have to go back and get some of those. 

I also went to the anesthetist today for my pre operative appointment and to pay, sad face. I have been sick for about two weeks and lets put it this way I have the worst voice and sore throat at the moment and she is not happy. I have been given some kick ass antibiotics that will hopefully get me ready in three days, cross fingers. However if I am not OK by Friday the operation will be rescheduled. I have not been this sick in so long and I am having migraines again which I cant decide if its the boobs of the bug.

Oh well I guess I will have to leave it up to fate and see what happens. I do hope it goes ahead despite my nerves as I definitely know its something that I want to do. 

So nervous though. Which is unlike me I am not normally one to shy away from a challenge or even be afraid I am normally going at 100miles an hour. Oh well maybe its age. Haa haa.

Hope your journey to your dreams is coming along nicely

Yours Until Next Time

