Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Accountability 101

I have been quite slack with my blog posts lately as with my weight loss, you know how it goes, life has been busy and I just cant be bothered. However I have been following a friend of mine on her blog and it has inspired me to review my goals of weight loss and fine tune it into smaller goals, some even really petty goals but I think this will work well in giving me a sense of achievement. They are as follows, the reason for me including the time goals are because I have yet to properly stick to a diet for 7 days in my life, sad face so here goes. Here are my current stats on my fatness.

Booty Stats
Bust:               107 cm
Waist:              94 cm  
Hips:               124 cm
Arms:              39 cm
Thigh:              75 cm
BMI:               36.4cm
Weight:              95.5kg   

These are my goals starting tomorrow...


1.     Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 7 Days
2.    Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 14 Days
3.    90.5kg (Lose 5kg)
4.    Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 30 Days
5.    89.9kg (In the 80s)
6.    85.5kg (Lose 10kg)
7.    Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 60 Days
8.    80.5kg (Lose 15kg)
9.    Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 90 Days
10.  79.9kg (In the 70s)
11.   78.0kg (Overweight BMI Weight Range)
12.  Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 120 Days
13.  75.5kg (Lose 20kg)
14.  Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 150 Days
15.  70.5kg (Lose 25kg)
16.  69.9kg (In 60s, Weight at finally of last diet post baby 2007, 24 Years Old)
17.  Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 180 Days
18.  65.6kg (Lose 30kg, Previous total weight loss)
19.  65.5kg (Entering Healthy Weight Range. Yay. Haven’t weighed this since I were dancing 2004/21 Years Old)
20.  Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 210 Days
21.  60.5kg (Lose 35kg)
22.  59.9kg (In 50s)
23.  Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 240 Days
24.  55.5kg (Lose of 40kg, Haven’t been this weight since 2001/18 Years Old)
25.  53.0kg (Goal Weight, Minimum Healthy Weight Range)
26.  Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for 270 Days