Sunday, 27 May 2012

It Figures...

Well Friday past, was my day that I was scheduled to cut out all pain killers with any sort of anti inflammatorys. It is recommended before an operation to cut it out two weeks before as some medications within anti inflammatories can thin the blood stream and cause complications. However, unfortunately for me Friday would be the day that my body is riddled with the worst Migraine in creation. I have literally been asleep for two whole days straight and wallowing in my self pity. On the upside, the anesthetist has agreed that in moderation I can keep the pain killers, Yay, little happy star jumps for me. Unfortunately the scales are no lighter today for all my troubles and the house is a disaster zone.

I also decided a few weeks ago that I would put up a sign at the local community notice board to start a free walking group, looking for other mums or women with kids, dogs or schedules that didn't fit around a gym, looking for some like minded ladies to go exercising with. I haven't had much response but I figured being part of this would give me a sense of accountability and motivation to drag my ass out of bed. Well Good News!! Today a lady called me and we start in a few days, isn't that great. I am now committed at least once a week to burn off some of this booty.

My breast reduction is twelve days away now. In a way I feel like an active exercise schedule will be a waste of time when so soon I am going to be bed ridden and recovering from surgery, but then I figure it might make my body a little fitter and able to handle the surgery. If it doesn't die of shock.  Jokes aside ladies, I hope your journey to your dreams is progressing nicely.

What little burdens and blessings have come your way and what new changes do you have in mind this week?

Yours till next time



Saturday, 19 May 2012

Impending Detox from Pain Killers

Three weeks Ladies and Gents until my life changes forever, however two weeks before my operation I have to stop taking all pain killers so it doesn't affect my anesthetics during the operation. Needless to say a point in my life I am not looking forward to.

Since I have stopped seeing the specialist ie; acupuncture, massage, physio and chiro I have felt my back getting tighter and tighter. Sore in places that don't even make sense, like down my arms and the muscles at the end of your spine near your butt. I have high hopes that the Breast Reduction will eleviate that pain. My plan of attach is to have the operation, recover, work hard to build strong muscles and go back to the specialists so that they can finally repair the damage to my nerves and muscles without further pressure for large breasts.

For now, I have cut out my energy drinks, which for me is a big step. Needless to say I am very tired at the moment but one week and going strong. Yay. I have also stopped buying junk food for the house, fresh fruit and vegetables for our family. I really want to reduce the amount of stuff that shouldn't be coming into our bodies. Encourage clean eating, no preservatives and colours. However this means retraining myself to be rewarded by something other than chocolate :( and to comfort myself with something other than chocolate :(

Its a long journey but we will get there. What small changes are you going to make this week to get yourself closer to the person you want to be?

Till next time

Paige xxx

Thursday, 10 May 2012

The Clock is Ticking

Good day ladies,

Just a quick one today ladies.

Well the clock is ticking, not long now. I am so excited, every time I walk past a lingerie shop I am thinking about all the possibilities that will soon be open to me. I cant wait to go shopping. I still have a lot of pain though. I really hope that the operation fixes the problems with my back. The surgeon seems to think so but we will see.

I have paid the surgeon fee the other day, its finally organised and the clock is ticking. Starting to get nervous. I have decided I am going to make a big chicken soup tonight as a slack way of eating healthy and fitting in with my schedule until the operation. Now to get up in the morning and exercise early. I have also set up the treadmill in front of the TV so that I can fit in an evening work out as it is now winter and walking outside in the evening after work is no longer an option.

Yours until next time

Paige xxx

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Preperations for the Big Day

Yesterday I had my breast ultrasound, this is the one where they cover your breasts with that horrible slimy gel and spend half an hour inspecting each little section to ensure there are no abnormalities. It wasnt too bad, the sonographer was quite friendly and chatty. Well I have the all clear. No breast cancer for me thank god and full steam ahead for my Breast Reduction Surgery. I am so happy.

Today I had my pre operative appointment with the surgeon, in which she proceeded to re-iterate all the things that can go wrong, like your nipple not re-attaching properly and dying and falling off. (They then have to create a new one, fake one) So fingers crossed that doesnt happen. I failed to tell her I have put on 4 kilos since our last visit. I dont know what is wrong with me. Such a big day draws nearer and I feel like I cant help myself.

Well in all this positive news I guess its time to admit that my commitment made to you last week has gone by the waste side, I have let you and myself down. Haven't we all done that before. I am not going to beat myself up about it as we comfort eaters usually do. I have recently been following a fellow blogger, her name is Michelle Connolly, I find her so inspirational and she likes to inspire me with small changes, ie making little positive changes to our habits which will make it easier not to "Stuff Up" and to live a healthier diet. If you want to check her out her site is she also has a lot of free downloadable PDFs to help those busy mums/ladies out there to bring some organisation back into the house and our lives.

So ladies, 37 days until my operation, it is time for "Operation Sort My Booty Out" and its going to start with getting up every morning and performing some sort of physical activity. Doesnt matter what sort of activity; yoga, exercise video, walk the dog, you name it I am going to do something, anything to get this lazy booty out of bed. Thats it, it's out there and I am doing it.

Ladies, yes you reading along, what are you going to change or start this week. I encourage you to commit to youself one small activity or change in your daily routine that will draw you closer to your goals, feel free to share with me, put it out there so there is no going back because 2012 is the year to achieve your dreams.

Yours until next time

Busty Paige xxxx