Yesterday I had my breast ultrasound, this is the one where they cover your breasts with that horrible slimy gel and spend half an hour inspecting each little section to ensure there are no abnormalities. It wasnt too bad, the sonographer was quite friendly and chatty. Well I have the all clear. No breast cancer for me thank god and full steam ahead for my Breast Reduction Surgery. I am so happy.
Today I had my pre operative appointment with the surgeon, in which she proceeded to re-iterate all the things that can go wrong, like your nipple not re-attaching properly and dying and falling off. (They then have to create a new one, fake one) So fingers crossed that doesnt happen. I failed to tell her I have put on 4 kilos since our last visit. I dont know what is wrong with me. Such a big day draws nearer and I feel like I cant help myself.
Well in all this positive news I guess its time to admit that my commitment made to you last week has gone by the waste side, I have let you and myself down. Haven't we all done that before. I am not going to beat myself up about it as we comfort eaters usually do. I have recently been following a fellow blogger, her name is Michelle Connolly, I find her so inspirational and she likes to inspire me with small changes, ie making little positive changes to our habits which will make it easier not to "Stuff Up" and to live a healthier diet. If you want to check her out her site is she also has a lot of free downloadable PDFs to help those busy mums/ladies out there to bring some organisation back into the house and our lives.
So ladies, 37 days until my operation, it is time for "Operation Sort My Booty Out" and its going to start with getting up every morning and performing some sort of physical activity. Doesnt matter what sort of activity; yoga, exercise video, walk the dog, you name it I am going to do something, anything to get this lazy booty out of bed. Thats it, it's out there and I am doing it.
Ladies, yes you reading along, what are you going to change or start this week. I encourage you to commit to youself one small activity or change in your daily routine that will draw you closer to your goals, feel free to share with me, put it out there so there is no going back because 2012 is the year to achieve your dreams.
Yours until next time
Busty Paige xxxx
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