Saturday, 19 May 2012

Impending Detox from Pain Killers

Three weeks Ladies and Gents until my life changes forever, however two weeks before my operation I have to stop taking all pain killers so it doesn't affect my anesthetics during the operation. Needless to say a point in my life I am not looking forward to.

Since I have stopped seeing the specialist ie; acupuncture, massage, physio and chiro I have felt my back getting tighter and tighter. Sore in places that don't even make sense, like down my arms and the muscles at the end of your spine near your butt. I have high hopes that the Breast Reduction will eleviate that pain. My plan of attach is to have the operation, recover, work hard to build strong muscles and go back to the specialists so that they can finally repair the damage to my nerves and muscles without further pressure for large breasts.

For now, I have cut out my energy drinks, which for me is a big step. Needless to say I am very tired at the moment but one week and going strong. Yay. I have also stopped buying junk food for the house, fresh fruit and vegetables for our family. I really want to reduce the amount of stuff that shouldn't be coming into our bodies. Encourage clean eating, no preservatives and colours. However this means retraining myself to be rewarded by something other than chocolate :( and to comfort myself with something other than chocolate :(

Its a long journey but we will get there. What small changes are you going to make this week to get yourself closer to the person you want to be?

Till next time

Paige xxx


  1. Good on you! I have often considered breast reduction but am frightened by the scarring. I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes as well as life with the new 'girls'!!!

  2. I must admit I am frightened about the recovery pain but I figure its done by then and I know its what I want for so many reasons si it will be worth it. I hope that my courage will inspire you to make the jump. I know scarring can be a worrying factor but for me, the boobs are holding me back in life from so many things I want to achieve that the I am happy with the trade off and the perkyness is going to be awesome. :)
